NikeShoeBot iOS App Install

Click the DOWNLOAD link below to install the NikeShoeBot iOS v1.0.8 on your device When installing to iOS 9, you need to follow the instructions in the link below to get your app working again.

NikeShoeBot iOS App Collection Instructions

  COLLECTION PAGE RELEASE INSTRUCTIONS HOW TO IDENTIFY IF IT’S A COLLECTION PAGE LINK OR NOT! To know whether or not a release is released via a collection link all you need to do is click the link that @NikeStore tweets. If the link takes you directly to a page with the countdown timer, it is…

Upcoming Nike / Air Jordan Release Dates

NikeStore Release Dates (All release information listed is directly from and subject to change at any time. We will update any changes Nike makes as soon as they announce it on their site or their twitter account.) March (Week 1) Releases CLICK HERE TO GRAB THESE PAIRS FOR RETAIL!

How do I know which product URL to use?

A link to the URL page is located at the bottom of the program’s main screen. You will need to check the URL and Keywords page the night before a release AND the morning of a release for all information on URL’s and Keywords. We update the page 12 hours prior to each release we will support.

When will I receive my bot?

Once you complete your purchase, you will automatically receive your purchase receipt, bot, activation code, and instructions via email. Double check that you enter your email address correctly when purchasing the bot and if for any reason you do not receive any of these things, please let us know immediately.