Installation Instructions:

PC Installation Instructions
Mac Installation Instructions

Update Instructions:

PC Update Instructions
Mac Update Instructions

PC Installation Instructions

1. Download the SneakerBot2.0 at the link provided in your purchase receipt email. Save the file to your desktop.Install-1

2. Locate the SneakerBot2.0-Installer file and double click to open the installer.Install-2

3. Follow the prompts to properly install the SneakerBot2.0. Once the status bar reaches completed status you can select the close button on the bottom of the installer.Install-3

4. Locate the SneakerBot in your programs and click to open. This is where you’ll open the SneakerBot2.0 program each time for use.Install-4

5. Enter the activation key that was included in your original purchase receipt and click the Activate button. If entered correctly you will receive the “SneakerBot Activated” message. If you lost your key or are having issues activating the bot please email us at

Install-5Congratulations! You’ve properly installed the SneakerBot2.0 for PC.

Use Instructions

Mac Installation Instructions

1. Download the SneakerBot2.0 at the link provided in your purchase receipt email. Save the file to your desktop.


2. Locate the SneakerBot2.0-Installer.dmg file and double click to open the installer.


3. The SneakerBot2.0 will automatically install.

4. The SneakerBot folder will automatically open. Now you must RIGHT CLICK the SneakerBot program, click OPEN and then click OPEN again.

Drive rightclick OpenProgram

5. Enter the activation key that was included in your original purchase receipt and click the Activate button. If entered correctly you will receive the “SneakerBot Activated” message. If you lost your key or are having issues activating the bot please email us at


To access the bot you will click the SneakerBot drive and then double click the SneakerBot program in the folder that opens.

Congratulations! You’ve properly installed the SneakerBot2.0 for Mac.

Use Instructions

PC Update Instructions

1. Download the SneakerBot2.0 at the link provided in your purchase receipt email. Save the file to your desktop.Install-1

2. Locate the SneakerBot2.0-Installer file and double click to open the installer.Install-2

3. Follow the prompts to properly install the SneakerBot2.0. Once the status bar reaches completed status you can select the close button on the bottom of the installer.


4. You will NOT need to re-enter your key. You can now use the program as usual.

Mac Update Instructions

1. Download the SneakerBot2.0 at the link provided in your purchase receipt email. Save the file to your desktop.


2. Locate the SneakerBot2.0-Installer.dmg file and double click to open the installer.


3. The SneakerBot2.0 will automatically install.

4. The SneakerBot folder will automatically open. Now you must RIGHT CLICK the SneakerBot program, click OPEN and then click OPEN again.


5. After the initial opening procedure you will be able to open the program normally.

6. You will NOT need to re-enter your key!